Maybe one day, I’ll learn how to use this internet doohickey

February 17, 2011

This post contains technology

I may not have made this clear on this blog before, so let me do so now: I have the same grasp on technology as a 95 year old man. I mean it. I work at an elderly home, and when the residents ask me for computer help… I’m nearly useless.

Thanks to the bastards beautiful people on #wotachat, this blog now has an affiliated Twitter account. Twitter was one of those bits of technology that I just couldn’t ever understand and really didn’t care to. However this blog now has… one of those. So you can follow me or like me or add me or whatever it is that you do with Twitters. I promise to tweet (twit twote twig?) on a frequent basis, and will let you know secrets about my personal life that you could NEVER learn from reading this blog.

I’m sure there’s some way to make the link to my Twitter account appear permantly somewhere on the left hand side of this blog…

… but heck if I know how to do it.

Go here to look at my Twitter and hear me babble in 140 characters or less.

Alright, people

February 9, 2011

It’s always amusing to look and see which search terms are leading people to my blog. More often than not, the terms have no clear pattern. On the same day, a person can reach this little snippet of the internet by searching “Natsuyaki Miyabi’s twin brother” or by searching “AKB and coffee”

There is, however, one search term that always comes up again and again. It’s not particularly offensive, but the sheer number of people finding my blog by searching this term is enough to make me pause and give it my attention.

The term is “Youth and Beauty.” I’ve used it only once- in reference to Kusumi Koharu. Since making that post, the smallest number of times people have been referred to my blog via that term is 14 times in one day:

What exactly are you trying to find, Youth and Beauty people? This is not a make-up nor a fashion blog. I am not going to teach you how to make a Gaga-bow out of your hair, nor will I provide you with information on the beauty tricks used by Japan’s trendy Gyaru or Korea’s pretty (and slightly scary) ulzzangs. This is a music blog. There will be youthful and beautiful people featured here, and you will have to be content with that.

While I’m on the WTF-train, what in the world is up with someone finding my blog after searching “Man sitting on a chair looking at the moon?” Have I ever used those words in conjunction before? Ditto for “crazy old black man.” Unless it had something to do with Melon Kinenbi, I rarely mention crazy old black men on this blog. In fact, I don’t think I ever have.

Lastly, just so we’re very, very clear: No, I will not direct anyone to porn through this blog. People searching for stimulation and titillation will have to look elsewhere. (That means you, “maeda atsuko look alike porn stream” person.)