
October 19, 2008

So, so I was reading a thread at JPH!P, a Fujimoto Miki thread, when there was a mention of a “mass graduation.”



So I went over to Hello! Online.


Even Yossy? I’m so confused right now! Just the other day I was wondering to myself how I’d react if Yossy would graduate. I didn’t think I’d be this numb. What’s going to happen to Hangry and Angry? I feel sick…

It says that they’ll still continue their duties after they graduate, just not within H!P, so… maybe there’s no need for me to react this way. But I still feel like this could be really bad.

Being practical, I know that this is a good step for these young women. H!P is offering them nothing right now, and hasn’t for quite a while. H!P has always been about the new, younger girls. These ladies are truly talented, from Yuko down to Yui, and H!P isn’t utilizing that at all. Every single one of them deserves more than what H!P can give them. And on the other hand, without all of those “unused” acts, H!P will be now be able to put all of its attention (and money) on the Big Three, but…

That said… I just… can’t really understand what’s going on right now. So… pictures. Of everyone. I  can’t do it all in one post, so I’ll break it down into a few posts over a few days.

Nakazawa Yuko has always been a symbol of strength, to me. She was this sort of soothing idea, an older woman looking after the rest of H!P. H!P’s mother, if you will. Now that she’s gone, is Takitty going to become the leader of H!P? Because that’s just full of fail.

Iida I’m not too upset about. She was already basically gone, right? At least she has her husband and child with her, whereas some of these girls will have… what? But still, I like Iida, and I always had this tiny hope that she’d come back.

This isn’t right. Nacchi is H!P. What about her new single?! She’s NATSUMI FREAKING ABE, for Gaki’s sake! Something’s just not right about this.

Without Kei, who will… uh… terrify people by winking?! I love Kei. I love that she can sing and play all sorts of instruments. Listen to her performance of “The Rose,” and all of those times she played the saxophone at a recent Nacchi concert, and you’ll understand.

What. The. Fuck. Mari is the perfect Idol. I named my blog after one of her Uta Doki performances, damnit! She can zoom from super sexy photobook goddess to adorable leader of Mini Moni in no time flat. I adore her (I haven’t talked about her a lot yet, but that’s because I always assumed that there’d be time…) That said, Mari seems to be one of the girls who is all set to get out. She’s got a couple of her own TV shows and is often in the public eye. I assume that she, along with most of the other girls, will still stay close to UFA, just not in H!P.

I don’t really like Rika, but she is essential to IshiYoshi, right? And she’s popular, isn’t she? What about Ongaku Gatas?! Don’t they have a concert lined up soon?

That’s the end of the first post, because I started crying when I realized that I’m going to have to try to organize my thoughts about Yossy next.  I just re-visited H!O, and it seems that they’ll be within H!P until the end of March? That’s still a little while, so… let’s cherish them while we still can!